Our kindergartners had an “A”-mazing time at our 2nd annual Alphabet Fashion Show! Each student brought their assigned letter to life with creative costumes and plenty of smiles. 😄

Fourth graders visited Proctor’s theater in Schenectady to see the Empire State Youth Orchestra in concert. They heard the music of Bernstein, Copland, and more, followed by a fun lunch stop!

🎃 Who needs yearbooks when you have pumpkins? Students shared smiles and signatures - thank you to Mrs. Lashinsky for providing the pumpkins! 🎃

Interested in retaking a Regents exam this January? See below!

📣 Attention Athletes! Are you interested in playing a winter sport? Fill out the attached form and let us know! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSellP0kTVbPa-6DYXKAkgdLVx_gowCy2MFf7IE1BKeq-TeHFA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&usp=mail_form_link

Mrs Irish’s class was randomly selected to ask Author Brenda Maier a question live on Storyvoice. They were so excited to find out what her favorite books were!

Tomorrow is National Unity Day! Help us celebrate kindness and community by wearing ORANGE tomorrow!

Attention upperclassmen! University at Albany will be here next week! Stop in the Guidance Office for a pass!

Thank you to the Fort Ann and West Fort Ann Volunteer Fire Company for visiting our school for Fire Prevention Week! Our students learned vital safety tips and got up close with the big red trucks! 🚒🔥

Fort Ann Class of 2027 - your class ring order day is 10/15!
Now is your chance to order your custom class ring! Order now and save up to $75 and get a FREE 2027 Hoodie! Jostens will be in school on Tuesday, October 15 to take your order or go online to www.jostens.com. Students should have gotten a packet of information with a ring sizer or feel free to see the rep next week to check your size. Check out the QR code for more info or click here https://view.vidreach.io/viewer/reach/ea528bb5-6689-4dc2-8dd0-afcd43ca5f49/677fa981-e879-4847-ab89-93d4825ef041?analytics=false

Attention Juniors! Important PSAT information!

Attention Juniors and Seniors! Important SAT information!

It's yearbook time! Order yours today! https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productBrowse/1054477/Fort-Ann-School/2025-Yearbook/2024091213152114067/CATALOG_SHOP/

On Friday, October 18th, we wear pink for breast cancer awareness! Thank you for your support! #sockittocancer

A fun new club is starting Thursday! Snacks and Chats! All are welcome!

PIZZA! PIZZA! Contact your favorite Fort Ann Cardinal to order some pizza and support their yearbook fundraising goals!

SUNY FREE APPLICATION WEEK - OCTOBER 21-NOVEMBER 3! Students can apply to up to five SUNY campuses with no application fee beginning Monday, October 21, and ending Sunday, November 3, 2024. Click here to apply! https://www.suny.edu/attend/apply-to-suny/

A representative from SUNY Canton will be visiting Fort Ann next week! Upperclassmen, get those questions ready and sign up in the Guidance Office.

📣 REMINDER! No school Friday, October 4!

Rycky Stark will always hold a special place in our hearts. Please come honor him and his love for basketball on October 13th at 10 am! Link to register is below! 🏀❤️